Monday 25 July 2011

ugly as...curried sausages!

 i hate curried sausages!
then my brother Matt, moved into my garage
he was on home detention and needed somewhere to live
so into the garage he moved, lock, stock and smoking barrel!
my brother loved curried mum used to make
          but because of my utter dislike for them
i had never made them...and wouldn't have...until my brother Matt moved into my garage!
              i had a go...why not...?

So, here it curried sausages recipe:

Curried Sausages

   i used:

  • 2 onions
  • 8 precooked sausages
  • water 
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1tbsp curry
  • 1 tbsp worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tbsp tomato sauce
  • 1 dstsp vinegar
  • mixed veg
i like easy... so....easy does it...

  1. i chopped the onions and threw them in a pot with a dash of oil to 'sweat' (cook term for cooking them gently, i think)
  2. i didn't bother 'browning' the sausages, precooked means never having to do things like that, in my book, i just sliced them up and threw them in the pot with the onions
  3. i poured in enough water to cover the sausages and turned them on to a simmer
  4. in a jug, i mixed the rest of the ingredients, except the mixed veg of course, and blended them together with about a half cup of water
  5. i poured this into the 'sausage' pot and stirred it all together and brought it up to the boil
  6. i know that doing this will cause the 'flour' ingredient to thicken, so i continued to stir until it bubbled
  7. i turned the heat down to low and let it simmer to it's hearts content (i let it simmer for about half an hour...while i did the rice which i always do the same way: 1C rice, 2Cwater, bring to boil, turn way down, lid on tilted, and wallah...just leave for about 20-30mins or until little air pockets appear in the top and the water is all gone
  8. i threw the veges in with the sausages about 10mins before everything was ready, just to let them cook and take on the curry flavour
  9. that's it, easy as!
 you may have noticed that all this really is...
is just a curry mixture that you can use anyway you want to...
all the sauce is doing is adding the curry flavour and thickening the gravy 
i love veges, so i just make up this sauce, put it in with the broccoli or/and cauli while they are cooking and wallah, vege curry
i'd probably just add it to a beef stew or chicken casserole before i put it in the oven to slow cook...or mince or whatever...

anyway, long story short...i actually tried this and i love it...curried sausages hater, no more!
the bro was keen as well!
      oh and...add more curry powder if you're that way inclined...not too much though, it gets bitter apparently!     


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