Tuesday 28 June 2011

ugly as...more technology...please...

maybe not so ugly...
Chanelle dropped my camera and it broke...(ugh)
so we went shopping so that she could replace it...
and long story short..er, we finally engaged a wonderful
salesman in noel leeming who agreed to sell us a camera for an agreed discounted price, choice!
Channy yahoo's because now she's in the market for an ipod, which she wants so she can take pictures in the UK!
Mum, that's me, directs salesman #8436 to either sell her one at a good price...or (tongue in cheek) talk her out of buying one!  Salesman #8436 actually talks her out of buying one!!!! (NO WAY!) Yes, Way!  Channy, a bit confused with all this, does what any one would do, pulls out her phone and pretends that she has just received a text from someone like God, and proceeds to look at Salesman #8436 like he doesn't know shite!
Ahhh, Salesman #8436, not to be outdone, says "Is that a smartphone"? My ever so proud as punch, excelerate student for five of her schooling years, looks at him, like, well duh!  Yeah, well duh back at ya, was the look I detected on the face of Salesman #8436...and he ever so humbly said..."just get an SD card, and you'll be good to go"!  
So, one $50 8g sd card later, Channy McFanny is busting out of her skin all over the carpark...and spends the rest of our wonderful day expounding the beauties of a smartphone!
Like Mama, used to say, somethings just seem like they're made in china!

                expoundingpresent participle of ex·pound (Verb)

                       1. Present and explain (a theory or idea) systematically and in detail.
                       2. Explain the meaning of (a literary or doctrinal work)

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